2019年2月28日 星期四

更換NetApp 控制器

Clustered Data ONTAP或是ONTAP9如果是在HA的配置下,更換控制器的方式比7-mode簡單,不需要另外reassign disk,系統會自動偵測到新的控制器並且assign Disk

NAC-Node1 >正常的控制器
NAC-Node2 >有問題的控制器

1.在NAC-Node1 takeover NAC-Node2

2.更換NAC-Node2 硬體, 更換完之後先確認新的控制器的系統時間
a.在NAC-Node1 的系統中用指令date確認目前ONTAP系統時間
NAC::> date
b.在NAC-Node2 的LOADER用指令show date確認時間
LOADER> show date
c.如果NAC-Node2的時間與NAC-Node1不一致, 可在NAC-Node2的LOADER 用指令set data mm/dd/yyyy以及
set time hh:mm:ss 更改時間(GMT), 更改後可在LOADER 再次用show data確認是否一致
LOADER> set date mm/dd/yyyy
LOADER> set time hh:mm:ss

3.更換完NAC-Node2 的控制器後, 將NAC-Node2開到Waiting for giveback的狀態後, 可在NAC-Node1透過storage failover show指令看到新的NAC-Node2 的System ID
NAC::> storage failover show
Node           Partner        Possible State Description  
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
NAC-Node1   NAC-Node2   false    System ID changed on partner (Old:
                                 111111111, New: 222222222), In
NAC-Node2   NAC-Node1   -        Waiting for giveback
2 entries were displayed.

4.將NAC-Node2 giveback, 系統會確認是否要更新成新的System ID
NAC::> storage failover giveback -ofnode NAC-Node2

Warning: System ID changed on partner. Disk ownership will be updated with new
system ID. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Info: Run the storage failover show-giveback command to check giveback status. 

5.可透過storage failover show確認狀態, giveback後node需要幾分鐘同步資訊
NAC::> storage failover show
Node           Partner        Possible State Description  
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
NAC-Node1   NAC-Node2   true          System ID changed on partner (Old:
                                      111111111, New: 222222222),
                                      Connected to NAC-Node2, Partial
NAC-Node2   NAC-Node1   true          System ID changed on local (Old:
                                      111111111, New: 222222222),
                                      Connected to NAC-Node1. Waiting
                                      for cluster applications to come
                                      online on the local node. Offline
                                      applications: mgmt, vldb, vifmgr,
                                      bcomd, crs.
2 entries were displayed.

NAC::> storage failover show
Node           Partner        Possible State Description  
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
NAC-Node1   NAC-Node2   true     Connected to NAC-Node2
NAC-Node2   NAC-Node1   true     Connected to NAC-Node1
2 entries were displayed.

7.因為NetApp 的License key會綁控制器的序號, 所以更換完控制器後必須在90天內跟NetApp Support申請新的License key, 並且更新ONTAP裡的License, 否則原本的一些需要License的功能會失效
